Andrew Jackson McCurry and wife Mary Margaret Adams McCurry, circa 1880?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Frank E. McCurry (son of Daniel Boone McCurry)

Daniel Boone and Lelia McCurry and Family
With Danny McCurry asking about his grandfather Frank's high school football days on our Facebook page, I thought I would post the information my father Hyluard had on Frank, who was his brother.  First of all, above is a photograph of Daniel Boone McCurry and his family.  The information on the back reads "Boone & Lelia, Luda (tallest girl), Jasper (tall boy), Rhoda (small girl), Hyluard (small boy between parents),and Frank (baby).....Geneva not born yet. The photograph is undated but since Hyluard was born in 1910, this was taken a few years after that.  Let's say circa 1912.

Dad also had this photo of Frank Eugine McCurry as a young man. It is also undated and has no information on the back side.  Apparently Frank was quite a football player in high school.  His knickname was Bulldog McCurry.  Here's a bit about his play at Jellico (TN) High School, seventh paragraph from the bottom.

I have three photos of Frank taken during World War II but I am going to post those separately.  The final photo of Frank I have is this one with his sister my Aunt Luda and his mother, my grandmother Leila Thursa Bowman McCurry.  It is undated but I would guess dates from the 1940s judging from the clothing.  Can anyone identify the location or date?

I know Frank had several boys--Bobby, Leon, Tracy and Jerry--but I don't have his or their birth and death dates, whom he married and when, or any complete list of Frank's grandchildren although I know Danny is Bobby's son and that Danny has a daughter of his own named Rileigh.  Feel free to add any information you have to the Comments under this article and to send me photos to add to this article.  My email address is  If you want digital copies of any of these photos (my brother Mark has the originals and digitized them for me), please just email me and I'll gladly share.  Thanks!

signed, Jane McCurry Wood

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